Available Classes

I offer classes and workshops at my private studio. Mats/props/eye pillows are available, but you are welcome to bring your own. Classes range from 60-90 minutes.

Private Classes


You Gotta Move - Chair Yoga for Every Body

​We use a chair for support to move gently and safely through a variety of yoga postures.  Together we learn and practice foundational seated and standing poses.  We explore balanced alignment, strength, flexibility, breathing, and short meditations.  Gentle flowing movements are also incorporated to keep our joints flexible.  Individual attention and variations are offered as much as possible within the class format.  This class is "For Every Body!"

About Kundalini Yoga
The yoga of awareness uses movement, breath and focus to energize and balance the  body’s systems. Regular Kundalini practice builds physical strength, mental clarity, emotional balance, and effectively relieves stress. It strengthens the glands and nervous system, and gives you access to stored energy, so you can express your creativity.  Kundalini is recommended for students at all levels. I often play my Mercury and Symphonic gongs during Kundalini classes.  The best way to learn about Kundalini Yoga is to give it a try, especially if you like to feel happy, healthy, and clear.

About Yoga For Relaxation
Beginner friendly, I will guide you through time tested yoga postures that bring balance to your body, heart, mind, and consciousness and reconnect you with your spirit. Students receive practical experiences in the eight limbs of yoga with an emphasis on breathing and body awareness. We work on improving flexibility and balance, finding relief from stress, nourishing the joints and brain, and revitalizing your immune system. This class is a relaxing way to help you achieve emotional balance, and encourages you to “be present” in every moment.

About Restorative Yoga
Even though some of us may get enough sleep, think about how much time you actually rest during the day. Restorative yoga reminds us how to deeply relax and rest and can help us recover from stress through its healing and rejuvenating effects on the mind, body and consciousness. In restorative yoga classes the body is supported in each pose with blankets and bolsters. Poses are held for longer periods of time so you can relax and release deeply held tension. These classes can make you feel like you’ve been on a “vacation.” They are highly recommended for those who experience stress, jetlag, and those of us who don’t often take time to rest during the busy workweek. Is that you? This is a great class to start with if you are new to yoga. I play crystal and Tibetan singing bowls during my Restorative classes.

About iRest® Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra, the "sleep of the yogi," is a healing experience that can lead to physical, spiritual and psychological transformation. During this class students explore the different koshas, or sheaths of consciousness, starting with the physical body and then moving into deeper explorations of feelings, emotions, thoughts and beliefs. Yoga Nidra helps desensitize negative body sensations and beliefs, opening the participant to experience joy and wellbeing. The practice begins with a short warm-up and then students rest in Savasana (corpse pose), or sit in a chair during the Yoga Nidra meditative journey. Yoga Nidra can lead to profound relaxation, release from chronic stress, resolution for many of life’s conflicts, and create harmony in daily life. It is also an effective approach to overcoming trauma and for healing PTSD.  This practice is suitable for all ages and physical conditions. The only requirement is that students listen and feel. I often use my gongs and singing bowls to deepen the "sleep of the Yogi."
About Sound/Energy Balancing 
This is the yoga of sound. It is one of the oldest forms of yoga. In this practice I use sound vibrations to shift energy and facilitate deep relaxation, meditation and help us access healing energies. Symphonic gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls and other instruments are integrated into this unique class. I offer private Sound/Energy yoga sessions as well as group classes, private events and workshops.
About Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga incorporates longer held floor postures that nourish and stretch the joints and connective tissue. This deeply relaxing practice stimulates the flow of prana through the body and helps bring ease and increased range of movement into your body, mind and life. This gentle practice can leave you relaxed and feeling more "juicy" and rejuvenated. Yin yoga is accessible to students of any tradition and is great for beginners as well as experienced students of all ages and abilities. I often play my crystal and Tibetan singing bowls during savasana, the deep relaxation at the end of the practice.

I am pleased to offer private yoga sessions for individuals or groups
Let me design a class to meet your personal needs!
Classes are about 75 minutes long 
Contact me to plan your session

My Private Studio - Boyne City, Michigan

Cell: 512-736-1496  •  jobo9108@gmail.com

Facebook: vedya.boikess

​Instagram: vedya9108


My Private Studio Austin, Texas